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June 2021

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Another 4-miler in the bag

Surfing lessons in Newport

Blue skies on Father's Day

Time to take off...

A furry friend at the park

Montreal vs Vegas. Go Habs!

Closed all my rings for the month!

  • Apple WWDC
  • Start working on BioMate
  • A vacation in Jasper (NOT)
  • Did 5k a Day for a total of 175km

June was a quiet month.

Apple’s WWDC started on the 7th and I spent the week learning a few new things. I started watching hockey after learning that Montréal beat out Toronto and was so happy to see them when game after game to push all the way into the Stanley Cup finals (sorry Winnipeg).

I was also dedicated to getting out every morning and doing at least 5k. The end result was 30 runs for the month with a total of 170km. I was also able to close ALL of my rings everyday. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do that since I don’t really like wearing a watch (which monitors my activity).

Unfortunately, my knees have started bothering me and I’ll need to slow down for July.

June was also supposed to be the month that we’d head up and Alberta and meet up with Frank and Jen in Jasper. Alas, COVID border restrictions prevented us from being able to go and we basically just spent our days locally.

We did get down to the beach a few times in the early morning, but that was about it. I was focused on work along with updating up my 4-year old BioMate watch app to include a number of complications. WWDC gave me the motivation to do that along with one of my customers.

That included making a promo video using After Effects and Final Cut Pro X along with updating the BioMate web site. I was lucky enough to get a 2 month free trail of After Effects, so I’m trying to learn it as much as possible. But boy… is to slooooow on the computer. I think it is because I’m using an M1 Mac Mini and it’s not optimized for the M1 Chip set yet. Okay… getting a little off topic here! LOL

Anyway, you can check out the BioMate Web Site here.

Lastly, the United States created a new holiday at the last second (Juneteenth), Father’s Day was a bit of a sad time, and Ayano wrote another one of her CPA exams at the end of the month (yeah!).

That’s all this this month.
Over and out!

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